Davinci Resolve Fusion Connect to NUKE converter
This script is intended to fully automate the workflow between Davinci Resolve and Nuke.
It uses the fusion connection functionality of Resolve and hijacks it for Nuke.
The 2 basic functions are:
– When passed with an OS path as single command line input, It will deep scan for any fusion connect files and create matching Nuke scripts when they are not already existing and when the fusion connect comp is created by Resolve.
– When passed with a full path to a single fusion connect clip it will again create a Nuke script if not exists but also open Nuke with this script as input.
If used in conjunction with a custom Automator created application, this can be triggered directly from Resolve when calling the “open in fusion” function, creating a fully integrated Resolve to Nuke pipeline. The Nuke script created uses all the (limited) info available in the fusion connect comp created by Resolve, but can be extended easily by adding nuke python code to the python section of this bash wrapper script. An example would be to set colorspace info, add custom LUTS , etc. Colorspace info is not passed by the fusion connect comp but could be passed by adding specific strings to the fusion comp filename and evaluating these from within the script (not included in this base version as local and specific to each facility/workflow). Your imagination (and scripting skills) are the limit.
Free download HERE (password : DaVinci)
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